Many of us have probably thought about what we can do to protect our environment. We hear the news about climate change every day , so if we sometimes prioritize our comfort over sustainability , it can be a terrible feeling of guilt. Don't worry too much, even the best of us sometimes can't take a bottle of mineral water to the next selective trash can, and it ends up in the mixed bin. However, with our everyday habits, we can do a lot towards a more conscious life, healthier for ourselves and our Earth . And yet how?
Choose environmentally friendly products!
Feel like a real hero every time you clean – and not just because of the sparkling clean house ! By buying products that are not toxic to you when you breathe them in while cleaning, or to the living environment when they end up in the drain, you are already contributing to protecting the environment . This way, you can do your part for a common good from the comfort of your own home , and if you have pets at home, you can rest assured that they will not come into contact with chemicals that would be harmful to them. If you want to kill two birds with one stone, choose a brand that openly supports environmental protection and works with recycled and natural ingredients , like Cycle. This way, you can also help the cycle of nature!
Pay attention to the energy!
Using water, electricity and gas wisely is not only good for your wallet , it also protects the planet. And it's much easier than you might think. For example, turning off the light when you leave a room will soon become natural. What's more, if you replace your traditional light bulbs with LED bulbs , they won't consume much energy during use , and you won't have to worry about your favorite lampshades discoloring from the heat emitted during lighting.