Synthetic fragrances are not only unhealthy for us, but they are also harmful to the environment. Just because a product has a floral or refreshing citrus scent doesn't mean it will clean well, and strong fragrances are only added to products to cover up their strong chemical odors. Let's travel with CYCLE into the world of fragrances, find out why products are scented, what the risks are, and how to avoid them.
What is that smell?
When we talk about scent, we simply think of the aroma that different things give off, such as a flower, a perfume, or even a cleaning product. However, our noses can easily deceive us!
Fragrances can be natural or artificial, but when we see fragrances listed as ingredients in cleaning products, we are most likely thinking of the artificial version.
Why are fragrances added to cleaning products?
To provide a pleasant scent to a product. Fragrances make certain products smell pleasant, and in fact, we buy certain products specifically for their scent.
Everyone has probably noticed that most detergents, fabric softeners, and air fresheners are categorized by different scents.
They can be floral, citrusy or “ocean fresh”.
To mask unpleasant odors. Many cleaning products are made with chemicals that smell terrible. They add strong fragrances to mask the chemical fumes. Often, a product that is marketed as “unscented” will contain fragrances, but these only help to mask the bad odor of the product and prevent us from smelling anything.
What are the differences between artificial and natural fragrances?
You've probably noticed by now that nature is full of scents, well, yes, natural fragrances come from such natural sources. These are essential oils, which are essentially extracts of the scent of certain flowers, plants, or fruits.
Artificial fragrances are man-made chemical compounds that attempt to mimic naturally occurring scents. Esters, terpenes, and lactones, when combined, can mimic the scent of rose (geranyl acetate), lemon (limonene), or peach (gamma-decalactone). Other chemicals can mimic the scent of vanilla (vanillin) or grass (hexanal).
Why should you avoid artificial fragrances?
Artificial fragrances are obviously not as pleasant to the nose as those from natural sources, but they also have a number of side effects that make them worth avoiding:
They can cause irritation and allergies. Some people are sensitive to artificial fragrances and may develop skin problems as a result.
They may contain parabens. Parabens are dangerous substances, they can disrupt our hormone balance, cause skin irritation, and according to some research, they can even accumulate in our bodies.
They may contain phthalates. Some research suggests that these chemicals may be carcinogenic, cause birth defects, respiratory and hormonal problems, and even burns.
They are not sustainable. Phthalates are not only harmful to health, but also to the environment. They pollute the air and water, and are dangerous to us and to nature.
They can cause health problems . In addition to those listed, artificial fragrances can contribute to many diseases. They can cause asthma, headaches, mucous membrane irritation, chest tightness, and diarrhea in infants.
CYCLE cleaning products and natural fragrances
Understanding the harm that artificial fragrances can do to our health, we developed CYCLE natural cleaning products that use essential oils from purely natural sources. With natural scents: lavender, lemon, mint or lemongrass. CYCLE aims to provide a refreshing and relaxing cleaning experience.
For example, lavender oil, one of nature's treasures, not only has a calming scent but also has properties that promote relaxation and reduce stress. Meanwhile, lemon oil, known for its vibrant scent and natural antibacterial properties, will leave your home smelling revitalizing and clean.
Discover the magic of natural aromas while creating a healthier home environment with CYCLE's natural cleaning products.