6 lépés a hulladékmentes életmód felé - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

6 steps towards a zero-waste lifestyle

Environmental protection one important part of that let's strive for waste Ideal for reducing the would be , if at all not we would produce garbage , but for this long beat leads . However all small step it matters .

An important part of protecting the environment is to strive to reduce waste. The ideal would be to produce no waste at all, but this is a long way to go. However, every small step counts. So it's worth taking the first few!


The current scale of consumer society has been shaped by many years of work. We still remember the times - which were not so long ago - when households even recycled sour cream cartons. They were excellent for growing seedlings. Composting was considered an everyday activity - not some gentlemanly mischief - and we ate homemade pasta, pastries, bread, jams, preserves, not packaged store-bought ones. We produced what we needed and stored them for the winter. Then we traded with our neighbors. 


What happened in the meantime? We started striving for something simpler, more convenient, more time-saving. Because we sat in offices, behind desks, working 10-12 hours a day. Just to make enough for bread. And for nice things. 


But now our consumption has reached such a high level, the damage caused by the increase in production, the increase in purchases, the never-ending flow of waste, is so great that it is no longer sustainable. It needs to change. Also on an individual level. 


Of course, this doesn't happen overnight. After all, we're talking about changing ingrained habits that have made our lives more comfortable. Every change comes with extra energy and extra strain. But if you've reached the point where you're ready to embark on an eco-conscious or even waste-free lifestyle, it's worth taking it step by step! Trying to transform everything at once will only lead to frustration. 


We've picked some tips from the Körforrás blog to help you start developing new habits: 

1. Find yourself a reason!

Maybe you're getting involved because you care about the planet, your health, and the environment. Maybe you want to save money. Or maybe you'd like to immerse yourself in an active community. Whatever your reason for reducing waste, be clear about why you're getting involved! 

2. Be motivated!  

Once you have a reason, it will be easier to find the motivation to make the necessary changes in your life. This will also give you a handle on things if your enthusiasm wanes. 


3. Raise awareness about your household's waste production!  

To start reducing your household waste, you need to know exactly what goes into your trash can. Observe what you throw away for a few days and why! And of course, start collecting your trash selectively. It often happens that items end up in the communal trash that could have been placed in the selective collectors. The goal, of course, is to reduce the content of the latter as well. 

4. Manage waste properly!  

The thing is, it's very difficult to avoid waste in your household, no matter how hard you try. However, managing the waste that is generated is of utmost importance: learn to sort and compost! 


There are products that have packaging that can be reused over and over again, such as CYCLE spray cleaner bottles. You can buy small refill concentrates for these, thus reducing plastic waste! 

5. Reduce your consumption!  

One of the fundamental principles of sustainability is reducing purchases and consumption. If you think about it, you quickly realize that you don't need so much, and when this really becomes fully conscious to you, you can start to think twice about what you spend money on. 

6. Find companions!  

It's always easier if you can connect with others in your activities, as you can think together and share your experiences. Find friends, acquaintances, and family members with whom you can embark on a more environmentally conscious life! 


Source: https://korforras.hu/2020/01/09/zero-waste-utmutato-kezdoknek-13-egyszeru-lepes-a-hulladekmentes-eletert/