I. BME Fenntarthatósági Nap: a fenntarthatóság és az innováció ünnepe - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek
bme fenntarthatósági nap

1st BME Sustainability Day: a celebration of sustainability and innovation

On September 17, 2024, the We were honored to participate as both an exhibitor and speaker at the first BME Sustainability Day . The event offered interactive programs between 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM t...
Az ecet meglepő hatása a depresszióra: új kutatási eredmények - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Vinegar's surprising effect on depression: new research findings

Researchers at Arizona State University recently published an exciting study suggesting that daily vinegar consumption may improve symptoms of depression. The research observed that regular vinegar...
Karácsonyi ajándék ajánló a CYCLE-től - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Christmas gift recommendation from CYCLE

Treat yourself or surprise your loved ones during the holidays! In this article, we present Hungarian brands whose products are unique, practical, and also represent sustainability. In our previ...
Készülődj velünk környezetbarát megoldásokkal a karácsonyra! - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Get ready for Christmas with us with eco-friendly solutions!

The end of the year is upon us again, and with it the holidays. Stores have been putting on their Christmas attire for weeks, and more and more programs are being organized so that we can surrende...
Állj! Ne dobd ki a szórófejeket! – Segítünk az otthoni műanyagcsökkentésben - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Stop! Don't throw away the spray nozzles! - We help you reduce plastic at home

Nowadays, plastic is present in such large quantities that we, along with the environment, have become victims of its harmful effects. With plastic waste floating in the oceans, microplastics in th...
A petkalózok is CYCLE-lel gazdagodtak a IV. Bodrogi PET Kupán - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Pet pirates also got CYCLE at the 4th Bodrogi PET Cup

The 4th Bodrogi PET Cup was not only about waste collection, but also about the power of environmentalists and the community in action. And this year, CYCLE joined this super team, so we gave 48 Cy...
3 egyszerű szokás a műanyaghulladék csökkentésére és az óceánok védelmére - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

3 simple habits to reduce plastic waste and protect the oceans

These 3 simple steps can help protect our oceans from plastic waste. Start making a difference today!
4 gyors nyári takarítási tipp, hogy otthonod friss és hűvös maradjon - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

4 quick summer cleaning tips to keep your home fresh and cool

Keep your home fresh and cool this summer with these 4 quick cleaning tips! From trash removal to deep cleaning, we've got you covered.
Konyhai nagytakarítás? Ezt a 5 hibát ne kövesd el többször! - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Kitchen cleaning? Don't make these 5 mistakes again!

Your kitchen is the heart and soul of your home. It's where family and friends gather for get-togethers, and you might even spend part of your day there. It's only logical that it needs a bit more...