Az óceántól megmentett műanyag (Prevented Ocean Plastic, röviden POP) segíthet az óceáni műanyag elleni küzdelemben - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Prevented Ocean Plastic (POP) can help fight ocean plastic

As our majestic oceans, once vibrant and teeming with life, now drown in plastic, a new solution is emerging. Discover how Prevented Ocean Plastic - or POP - harnesses the power of recycled plasti...
3 tengeri állat, amelyekre az óceáni műanyag nagy fenyegetést jelent - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

3 marine animals that are seriously threatened by ocean plastic

THE world oceans impressive and beautiful for living beings they give home . However after annually 12 million ton plastic waste costs the into the ocean , these the wonderful animals serious with ...
4 gyors nyári takarítási tipp, hogy otthonod friss és hűvös maradjon - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

4 quick summer cleaning tips to keep your home fresh and cool

Keep your home fresh and cool this summer with these 4 quick cleaning tips! From trash removal to deep cleaning, we've got you covered.
Szelektív hulladékgyűjtés: melyik kukába tegyem? - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Selective waste collection: which bin should I put it in?

Based on the surveys , in theory, we Hungarians have the willingness to sort our trash, but there is still room for improvement. Sometimes we don't know exactly which bin a piece of waste belongs ...
Így lesz a szennyvízből tisztítószer - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

This is how to turn wastewater into cleaning agent

It's no secret that the raw material for our cleaning products is wastewater, which we recycle through a series of special processes. We would like to introduce the process to you below!
6 lépés a hulladékmentes életmód felé - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

6 steps towards a zero-waste lifestyle

Environmental protection one important part of that let's strive for waste Ideal for reducing the would be , if at all not we would produce garbage , but for this long beat leads . However all smal...
Mi a Greenwashing és mi a gond vele? - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

What is Greenwashing and what's the problem with it?

Greenwashing is actually a form of misinformation and deception that is often used by certain companies to "win over" more conscious consumers.
4 tonna CYCLE környezetbarát tisztítószer indul útnak Bosznia-Hercegovinába - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

4 tons of CYCLE eco-friendly cleaning products set off for Bosnia and Herzegovina

The aid shipment of cleaning agents is heading to the Bihac area in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where they will be deployed in 29 public institutions to prevent a possible epidemic situation.  
Szintetikus vagy természetes illatosítás? Csak természetesen! - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Synthetic or natural fragrance? Only natural!

The smell of chemicals doesn't always equate to cleanliness, even though many people associate it with successful cleaning. So what are scents and what role do they play in cleaning?